Saturday, June 4, 2011

Regina Brett's Fifty Life Lessons: The Eighth Lesson

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Lesson Number Eight: It's Ok to get angry with God. He can take it.

     If we see God as a loving father, then there is no problem getting angry with Him. God is a good God. If He is not, then He could not be God.

      With my own experience, I can testify that God understands me more when I'm not hiding anything from Him; including my disappointments and frustrations in Him. Expressing those emotions to Him does not make me less of a person in His sight because that is what he wants of me--to be as transparent as can be in Him that He may know how He could help me more.

     So whenever you feel like fighting with God, go on...He understands.

     Get happy!

     You may also wish to read the other lessons below:

First Lesson
Second Lesson
Third Lesson
Fourth Lesson
Fifth Lesson
Sixth Lesson
Seventh Lesson

Friday, June 3, 2011

Regina Brett's Fifty Life Lessons: The Seventh Lesson

Lesson Number Seven: Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. 

     "No man is an island." This is the first quotation I learned in elementary years. It still holds true in my life until now. Relationship matters, especially in difficult times. Only by knowing that there is a shoulder to lean on and a hearing ears that care eases our pains even if there is no available solution at hand. Crying with someone is a very soothing and calming experience.

     However, there are times when no one is available. Or times when nobody cares, nobody understands. Times when the world seems to be against us. This is the time when we choose to cry with God. And this is also the time greatest for God--the time He has been waiting for, all our life. Because nobody holds our attention. No one; only God and God alone. And when nothing holds our attention God's power is greater in us. And when God's power is greater in us, healing is much faster and moving on is very possible.

     Get happy! 

     You may also love to read the other lessons below:
First Lesson
Second Lesson
Third Lesson
Fourth Lesson
Fifth Lesson
Sixth Lesson

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Regina Brett's Fifty Life Lessons: The Sixth Lesson

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Lesson Number Six: You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

     This is a lesson I have first learned when I get married. I used to believe I have to win every argument because I assumed I was always right. Whatever I assumed right should always be right. Whenever someone challenges my beliefs and disposition I always shun away from that person. Because I was imprisoned with the belief that if I and the other person do not agree on something, we better separate ways. It was either you could be my friend, or could be my foe.

      I grew up believing peaceful negotiations could never be attained. Thus, some of my decisions and choices in life were based on these false beliefs. And it had not done me any good. All because I had so many unlikely exits from people's lives and situations I never had the humility to accept defeat. I am carrying the guilt with me over friendships and relationships that I never had peaceful goodbyes just because of foolish pride. And the guilt was not worth it. It was like trading my happiness of today with the unhappiness of yesterday. This is what I have learned and still working on in my life--that winning in every argument, no matter how right I am, is not a right solution to any argument. Other person's feelings and disposition matters too. It pays much to not always be right and still loving, than to to be always right and unloving.

     Now that I am married, I got beautiful a glimpse of how it is really to love a human being--I don't have to win every argument. Not because the other person is right, but because I love the person so as to let him win the argument and avoid further complications the argument could bring.   

     Get happy!

You may love to read the other lessons below:
First Lesson
Second Lesson
Third Lesson
Fourth Lesson
Fifth Lesson

Monday, May 30, 2011

Regina Brett's Fifty Life Lessons: The Fifth Lesson

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Lesson Number Five: Payoff your credit cards every month.

     A peaceful mind is the one which is not troubled by any lingering thoughts of difficult things to be done. Yes, it is a waste of time thinking over and over again about debts that are accumulating every minute of the day. Paying it off altogether saves the day and clear our thoughts.
     Get happy!

     You may wish to read the first lesson here.
     You may wish to read the second lesson here. 
     You may wish to read the third lesson here. 
     You may wish to read the fourth lesson here.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Regina Brett's Fifty Life Lessons: The Fourth Lesson

Lesson Number Four: Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

There were so many people down there. As I climbed up the stage, all of their eyes were focused on me. I tried to muster all my strength and courage, to act as if I were confident. Sadly, I was not able to maintain my focus. When I heard my voice trembled the moment I spoke up, I forgot everything. My focus was then shifted to my fears, to the people's look of disbelief, to the silence that seemed eternal engulfing the whole auditorium. I became silent. I forgot the very reason why I was there. It was hopeless. My mind was blank. Eventually, I gave up. I gave back the microphone to the emcee. Then I climbed down the stage.
     I never knew, that that was my first act of going down everytime I am faced with every opportunity to rise up and proclaim my confidence to the world. That was my first act of losing, which had been followed by many losses. Until I learned to live that kind of life for more than twenty years of my life. Every decision I made was based on that fear. Every choices I made was based on that fear. All because I took myself so seriously. I took that mistake so seriously that it crippled the beautiful person I was supposed to be.
      Unfortunately, nobody cared about that mistake. Yeah, I forgot my line on that declamation contest, yet nobody cared. Nobody cared because no one took myself and my mistake so seriously. And I no longer want that.
     Now, I am no longer taking myself that seriously. Because it doesn't help at all. Never. As much as I want, I want to live my life like a flowing water. And oh, it feels so good.
     Get happy!

     You may wish to read the first lesson here.
     You may wish to read the second lesson here.
     You may wish to read the third lesson here.

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