Many search their lives for a glimpse at the potential for a peaceful Journey. They attempt this by transfusing their world with accolades and accomplishments. They use these tools to bring quiet and comfort to their world. They search in vain, for in things they cannot find peace. They forget another world that can provide solace and calm and forget the potential that lies close to their conscious mind. They wander and become confused. They follow a road that contains both blocks and detours. They become lost and feel forgotten.
In this world it is important to use the wisdom and knowledge that is inherent in the human species. It is important to begin to allow that inner self to become the director of your Journey. In doing this, you will begin on a path that will lead you onward in peace.
Where can you find such peace? Where can you begin to unleash the peace that is present for all to find? The answers lie in the quiet solitude of your heart. All it takes is the time and willingness to hear. All it takes is the wisdom to approach the world of the Spirit. When you approach this world you will open a door to the potential that lies within each of us. You will begin to understand eternal sounds that create a resonance that transcends the limitations of the physical world. You will harness a power greater than any you have witnessed.
It is necessary to listen to your heart, for it is in your heart that you will find the peace you are seeking. It is important to listen carefully, for in listening to your heart you will explore the inner recesses of your mind. It is essential to work to overcome any stumbling blocks you see in life and to explore the inner recesses of your heart. It is necessary to work hard, for it takes work to uncover the heart.
Many feel that merely by being they will explore the heart and all it contains. However, you must realize that it also is necessary to become. For in becoming, your heart becomes the uppermost point of your life. Work to become your heart, and in so doing you will explore the unknown. Begin this process by listening carefully to all the voices that are within. You must listen. You must then begin this search by action--action to become the very essence of the messages you receive. Receive these messages in joy and use them to move forward in the accomplishments of your life.
Live your life from within your heart, for in this pursuit you will find your soul. Your heart is the seat of all love and compassion. Your heart is the only place that will overwhelm you. Therefore, become the consistency of your heart and you will find wonder all
about you.
Think for a while about the abilities contained within your heart. Peace is found there in abundance. Love is shared with others. When you become this love and become this peace, you will look and will find that you are within your heart. Walk within your heart and see. Look carefully and witness the many parts it contains. You will see that the beauty and the secrets of the heart are for the enlightenment of your soul. Therefore, listen to your heart. It is by listening to your heart that you will find the outermost secrets of your desires. By doing this, you will transfer the wants of your heart into the desires of your soul.
Watch your life change in perspective to the wonders you see. If you listen to your soul and become your heart's desires, you will transform your life forever.
Look, listen and become your heart. When you become the essence of your heart, you move onward in life. All will see the difference in your being. All will notice the desires and the feelings you possess. They will notice the changes you make in your life and begin to wonder at the newness of life you have found.
Therefore, search your heart for the Spirit. Search your heart, for in the spiritual you will find life. You will discover your Creator's love is contained within your heart and manifests Itself through your soul.
In all the events of your life take the time to look with your heart. In all the desires you possess, seek with your heart. Transmit the love you find within by way of your heart and see your exterior change. Witness the altering of your life and see the joy that will come of this change.
Remember that you are the heart of the universe. You are the beauty of the heavens. Learn to see, feel, and be by the inclinations contained within your heart.
In doing this, you will become and be altered. You will become and be changed. You will welcome these changes in your life and become at peace.
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