Saturday, August 23, 2014

Smiling Makes A Difference

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     As I am writing this I couldn't help but smile. Smiling has been a part of my morning session and mirror session. Every time I look into the mirror I smile; because that person in the mirror is the most beautiful person I see everyday. I may not mean physically but she is just as she is. And the more I smile, the more beautiful that person in the mirror becomes. I'm not narcissistic, she is just one of the best that I have.
     Anyway, there are many things that make me smile. Yesterday, the tranquil sea beyond and the towering mountains ahead made me smile. Not only that but also the clouds that moved across the sky made me smile. By gazing at these things I could not help but smile. How wonderful God's creations really are.

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       This afternoon while walking along the cogon grasses that lined up along my path, my lips curved to a  smile again. The more I smiled when the soft breeze kissed my face. It pays to be a country person. Everything fresh is enjoyed freely. No need to take a vacation.

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     In my daily routine, not only the above things made me smile. Included are the helpful articles I read, the comments of friends and the love of my family. Smiling does not mean everything in my life goes perfect. In the contrary, it is not. Only that smiling helps to lighten my load and lets me focus on the bright side of life. Smiling indeed makes a difference.

Get Happy!

Thursday, August 21, 2014


God knows what is best for us. We also know what is best for us. But when God sees that what we think what is best for us is not in accordance with His will, He is going to change it for the very best. 


Happiness Quote 1

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     Happiness is a daily choice. The moment we wake up, we are faced with that choice. It's either to become happy or not. How to become happy? No one could give us the ultimate answer, because it depends on how we see it and how we live it. The only thing that we are so sure of, are the things that could not make us happy. We live each day of our life by avoiding the things that could not make us happy. It's much easier that way. And we live each day of our lives pursuing the things that we believe could make us happy. On my take, I could become happy just by gazing at the tranquil sea. Yeah, the choice is ours.And I choose to become happy as much as I can on my journey daily.

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