Monday, August 31, 2009

Life's Little Lessons

I am not much at ease this time. We have a neighbor who is suffering right now of kidney failure. It is quite unnerving to see such person whose physical state is slowly deteriorating, much more to hear her moan in pain. Her pain is not only physical, but also emotional. Perhaps this emotional pain is what makes her immune system weak. I've known others who suffered the same disease she has; yet managed to live longer because of a deep faith in God and the presence of a loving family.

Our neighbor's family is not much considered as a happy one. She got married in her thirties and bore one son who died in the ship while on duty. The most painful part is, her husband has other woman and repeatedly brought the woman in their house and let her sleep there. I always see the woman myself whenever she is around. I don't know why her husband had such courage to do it in her presence. Some say it is due to bad karma because our neighbor is not that "good" one during her younger years when she still has lots of money. I really don't know the real story behind such unlikely happenings in their family. I can only draw lessons from them.

We all know how to be good. We all know how to believe in God. We all know that we should pray in order for God's blessing to be poured upon us. Yet, why are there people who are living a life in which we fail to see God in them? I guess, it's because what we are inside is what will manifest outside. Living a life is not knowing alone; rather living a life is acting on what we know and believe.

I could not tell if my neighbor failed in her life because I don't know her thoughts and the kind of relationship she has with God. Also, I meet her only in her twilight years. Thus I do not know much how her life goes. My neighbor just taught me not to do the mistakes she did. Her life taught me to take care of my family and to cherish much every moment I spend with my son, because I know we would not be with each other forever in this world. Moreover, she taught me I should love myself that others would love me instead of abuse me the way she was abused. Finally, she taught me to love life and cherish life while I still have the capacity and the chance to do so.

Keep living!

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